Monday, October 25, 2010

The stunning view from a creative mind

Category: Visually breathtaking
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: No

I was standing on the river bank as my vision was coming to.
A bright red light nearly blinded my eyes and I had to cover them with my hands.
It was the sun coming up from across the field - the bright red light of dawn.

As my eyes adjusted to the new light I noticed something even more incredible.
Instead of seeing the tiny moon, like we are used to, up in the sky - there was another huuuuge planet floating in the air, and it looked quite similar like earth, except it had a lot more oceans to it and more small patches of earth.  Since the planet was so close to Earth, I could see all the details - from mountain ranges, jungles, and deserts. The sight was so spectacular that I just had to stand there and smile in total awe.

The greatness of the planet, the level of details and the hot red sun that filled the setting with warm light made me realize how amazing your imagination can be in your dreams.

Escaping villains

Category: Superpowers
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: Half-way

So there I was - Batman himself - battling against Poison Ivy.
Eventually she became too powerful for me to handle so I started running.
"Where are you running to Joker?"
Baffled I looked at myself and realized that I had just turned into The Joker.

I saw some green vines and lianas crawling towards me so I picked up the running again until I reached a waterfall by a river, I start dashing harder and take a leap of faith down the waterfall and just before I'm about to hit the water I spread out my arms and I start floating along the water instead before re-adjusting my course upwards and start flying over the trees. Filled with a victorious feeling I hear the return of "Bohemian Rhapsody" (Bohemian Flying - apparently I have a thing about flying to this song) and I celebrate my escape from Poison Ivy.

As I land on the river bank I get a feeling of waking up - so I close my eyes and let the feeling of awaking consume me - when I open my eyes again my vision is all blurry, and I think to myself that it is only an effect from being asleep for so long, but without realizing it then I have awoken into a new dream...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The paralyzing deep sleep

Category: Bizarre
Lucid: No

I did a little experiment before I went to bed the other day.
I tried mashing together all available relaxation options I had at home.

- I lighted some candles, one of them scented
- I put my nail mat on my bed and lied down on my back
- I put my feet up on two huge pillows at the end of my bed
- I put on my headphones and turned on an app on my iPhone which sends binaural beats into your ears to affect your state of mind. (Read more here: )

The result?

I fell fast asleep... a really really deep one.
I started dreaming about meeting one of my teachers at school, and suddenly the whole dream world went pitch dark and I could only hear the voice of my teacher telling us we had to stick together to be able to get out of this darkness.
My legs felt weak and I had problems walking, my head felt like it had tripled in weight and I started having trouble breathing... while stumbling over a rocky landscape, gasping for air and feeling blind I suddenly woke up in my bed again.

I was still wearing my headphones, still lying on the nail mat and there was still a candle left that hadn't burned out. I took the headphones off, removed the nail mat, blew out the final candle, and went back to bed.

I returned to the same dream almost - still having the physical sensations that I had earlier.
It started to get harder and harder to breathe, until I eventually started choking and woke up in my bed again. My pillow was covered in drool and I was breathing heavily.

Apparently I had been relaxing to deep when falling asleep and it had paralyzed my entire physical system somehow.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Eyes in the sky

Category: Bizarre
Hours of sleep: 7
Lucid: No

I had a bird's eye view of a huge battlefield.
(Kind of like the Command & Conquer series illustrated below.)

I was one of the soldiers on the ground.
I was moving around like normal, thinking like normal, and talking to others like normal - but still observing everything from a bird's eye view in the sky.

When I woke up in real life - I realized the strangeness of what had just happened.
Observing and controlling your body like normal, but from a distance.

Like I plucked my eyes out and stuck them to a cloud in the sky.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Comic (dream) relief!

Category: Ordinary
Hours of sleep: 7
Lucid: Yes

I was at a friends house back in my home town. Apparently I was "aware enough" during this dream so I realized I was dreaming and became lucid.

While figuring out what to do about this dream freedom that was just delivered to me, there's a heavy knocking on the front door of the house I was in. I tried ignoring it, but someone on the other side kept knocking. Annoyed I walked over to the door and yanked it open.

On the other side was a bunch of drunk football fans cheering: "HEEEEY! Time for an after party!"
Annoyed I snarled at them and slammed the door shut
- just before it closed the whole drunk gang, sighed heavily:
"Aaaaaaaw :( :( :( " and bowed down their heads like a bunch of little boys that didn't get what they want.

Alone on the other side of the, now closed, door, I started laughing at the comical sight of grown-up men sobbing.

Feels good when dreams can make you giggle!