Dream category: Superpowers
Emotion triggered: Adrenaline rush
Lucid: Yes, yes, yes and yes!
Hours of sleep: Only 3 hours!
Alrighty, so I could barely sleep last night cuz I took a really late nap, so I really got a good chance to do lots of lucid dream preperations like meditating, listening to binaural beats, and planning your action in your next lucid dream.
In my first dream I ran into a wall that I couldn't get over. I tried going around and just came to a big fence. I was determined to get to the other side and I knew I was dreaming because my pockets were empty and I didn't have shoes on (yes, checking stuff below your waist is a technique you use when you sleep to see if you are dreaming - if it's out of the ordinary = you are dreaming). I started flapping my arms cuz I didn't really know what else I could do to activate flying. I started to levitate, but then I went back down. Determined, I flapped my arms harder and I took off and soared high above ground and flew over the town that I grew up in and ended up in a house where I found someone to sleep with. (Of course, when ur a guy and you take control of a dream, you have to have sex right? :P)
Sleeps.com says: "Flying dreams are normally a good omen and if the flight is pleasant, with no worries and anxieties, you can look for happiness and plenty to follow."
d:At one part of the dream I had to run a really far stretch, and just gave myself superspeed.
Sleeps.com says: A running dream is basically a dream of escaping a certain situation, person, or thing.
Bursting into flames:Later in the dream som

eone was trying to rob my mom and our house where I grew up. I walked towards the guy and remembered that time I played D&D with some friends (in real life) and we encountered a guy with the ability to matter fireballs. I decided that I should see if I could spawn this skill. And what do you know, I created a bunch of tiny fireballs and fired it at the guy and he got scorched all over his body, before I finished him off by snapping my fingers and he burst into flames.
Sleeps.com says: "To dream of magic and magicians denotes many pleasant happenings in your life and portends happiness and success. A fire is also a complex omen in a dream and must be interpreted in light of the actions connected with it."
Seeing friends I m
iss:I met two of my closest friends that I had when I was a student at South Dakota State University in the U.S. in my dream. I gave them both a hug and said I missed them.
Sleeps.com says: "If you dream of good friends in a congenial and happy setting then you will soon here good new of them or a close relative."
I also had some non-lucid moments during this night, but they were nothing special and this post is already long enough. :)