Lucid: Yes
I "woke up" in our old camper far out in the country of the town I grew up in. I knew that when I went to sleep I was far away from this place, so I became lucid. "This is a dream!"
I ran out of the camper and out in the open, trying to figure out what I should do with this lucid dream.
Looking up into the sky I saw the moon. "Maybe I should try to fly to it?"
I've made several attempts to fly out in space ever since reading about it in Waggoner's book, but I always doubt my ability to do it and end up falling down just as fast as I get up in the air.
I filled myself with confidence and started dashing across a field and leaped up in the air. The momentum I got was incredible and I found myself soaring up in the sky at great speed. "This might actually work!" I said to myself... which I shouldn't have. My slight doubt in the sentence with the word "might" killed the momentum and I started floating back down to the ground. I tried one more time but only found myself dwindling down again.
Instantly I felt weightless and noticed a grey sandy surface below me. I ran a hand over it and felt its ruggedness. I started to float backwards and when I lifted my head I saw earth floating around some leagues away. I was on the moon!
Utter silence ruled this place - I gave myself into the lack of gravity and let my head fall backwards as I stared at the bright stars all around me. I felt sleepy and closed my eyes. Then I woke up into a new dream.
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