Lucid: Yes
Somewhere from within a voice told me this was my "inner spiritual place".
My little fairy guide was there and told me: "Go, explore!"... so I did.
I found numerous places that I felt had a deep connection with my consciousness and my physical being.
Now outside again I was bombarded with noise - voices, thoughts, sounds - total audio chaos. And my breathing was still heavy, getting close to hyperventilating. The noise was too much to handle. On the rooftops of houses around me there were chubby guys dressed in Iron Maiden t-shirts yelling and screaming. My body started to float until gravity shifted and I was standing on the "dome ceiling" where I could look "up" and have an overview of my childhood place. I figured I had to calm myself down in order for things to come to rest.
I started taking deep controlled breaths. The Iron Maiden guys stopped yelling and disappeared into their houses. I started to float back down to the street from my childhood. The sounds started to disappear.
My fairy guide appeared again with a white board that had a red dot on it.
"You need to clear your mind. Focus on the dot."
"Clear your mind..."
The crosshair got closer and closer to the red dot. Suddenly everything went bright white. I thought of nothing - I heard nothing. My mind was experiencing total silence, total peace from all thoughts and emotions. The feeling lasted for maybe 5 seconds until a voice appeared in my head.
"Good job. Now you need to drink..."
Then I woke up in my bed. My body was completely numb, and my mouth was dried out.
I grabbed my water bottle, sipped down a huge clunk of it, grabbed my pen and started charting down what I had just experienced.
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