Sunday, July 26, 2009

Refusing to be a hay-moving Amish boy

Category: Ordinary
Emotion: Shameful
Lucid: No
Hours of sleep: 8

I was summoned to meet my family way out on the countryside with cornfields all around.
When I came there they were all dressed as amish people, and told me they wanted me to compete for the family's honor in some farming competition where we had to transport hay from one placer to another before one of the other sons from another family did.

Right before the race started I told my dad I thought this contest was stupid and refused to get on the carriage that was tied up to a horse. My dad gave me an evil glare, grunted and jumped on the carriage himself and started racing down the field. Shameful of not being there for my family I tried running after the carriage to be in the race after all, but I couldn't catch up. says: "If you are being chased it's a sign of good health. The same thing goes if you are chasing someone.
If you are running in a contest you have enemies that are trying to take you down.
If you have a dream about a big family things will go your way. If the family is unhappy, the opposite might happen."

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