Category: Super powers
Hours of sleep: 2
I had a hard time falling to sleep last night, so I had a lot of time to medidate myself to increase my chances of becoming lucid in my next dream.
And boy did I...
It started out as an ordinary dream with nothing special happening, except I met some college friends from when I did a semester in the U.S. and one of them was acting all weird and didn't want to give me a hug after not having seen each other for months.
So I started looking for dream signs. I stared at one of my friends face, looked away, and then back again and I saw a slight change in her appearance, tho' not enough to insure me I was dreaming, so I started to look for a wall clock, found one, checked the time; 11:15, looked away, looked back, 1:30 (or something, important thing is that time had changed rapidly in a second).
So now I become aware that I am dreaming, and decide that I feel like flying, so I crack open a window, but it's a far way down, so in case my flying attempt fails, and I fall down and wake up, I decide to run down the building and start the flying attempt from the ground.
I fling out my arms and order my dream to play me some music, and music starts pounding out of the wall, and everytime I open a new door the music gets louder.
When I got into the hallway everything turned almost pitch black, and I have this nervous thing, in real life, about walking in the dark and not seeing things. Luckily I've been reading about dream therapy, and conquering fears in your dream. So I just stopped in the hallway, reached out my arm to find the wall, and walked with confidence down the hallway and for every brave step, the hallway lighting got brighter and brighter until I came to a door and got outside in the daylight.
Next to me was a huge skyscraper, and I figured I'd try to fly to the top of it. I did a jump, and to my great satisfaction I took off at great speed and climbed higher and higher, faster and faster... so thrilled about my total lucidity and the success of defying gravity in my dream world, I let out a victory cry, only to find myself abruptly wake up in my bed, with a choking screaming sound going from my throat.
Like I've mentioned in previous posts; if you get too excited when becoming lucid, you'll wake yourself up, and also, physical things that happens to your body in your dream, sends out signals to your real-life body in bed, and the correlate muscles will trigger in small contractions, etc. So when I screamed out of joy in my dream, my real-life body's throat made a high choke-like sound that woke me up.
So if I had just kept myself calm, I probably would've kept flying and doing other amazing stuff on my own free will... hopefully I've learned my lesson and will do a better job next time!
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