Saturday, February 27, 2010
Explicit lucidity
Category: Ordinary
Lucid: Yes!
Hours of sleep: 9
Yeah, I was incredibly lucid last night... I mean... really really lucid! Can't remember the last time I was that clear and focused in a dream!
In the first part I was at work, and something felt kind of odd or misplaced with the surroundings and the mood. So I went over to read a poster and it said something like: "Live a great healthy life!"
So I did the lucidity check trick, where you turn away and then back again to recheck what you just observed... and sure enough... the poster had changed: "Life!"
Bang... lucidity hits me and I've just entered a world where no laws of nature or man exists! And I went and had a little fun!
I had another dream later where I was at my grandma's house and there was, here as well, an eerie feeling to the whole thing - so I decided to check out her shed and went to pick up the keys hanging on it's usual spot on the wall. The number said: "36"... I did a recheck, like above, and the number changed to "366" before transforming into "35". Realizing I was lucid, again, I ran out to the back yard and pondered about what my next move should be... I decided to run through the neighborhood to see what I could find... leaping tall fences with ease before reaching a neighbors house and upon entering I woke up...
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Let it snow...
Category: Sports
Lucid: No
Hours of sleep: 9
In these olympic times I actually dreamt I went snowboarding down a mountain side! ... and it felt great!
Maybe I should make an effort to start snowboarding again? Hmm....
Lucid: No
Hours of sleep: 9
In these olympic times I actually dreamt I went snowboarding down a mountain side! ... and it felt great!
Maybe I should make an effort to start snowboarding again? Hmm....
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
A vague motion picture
Category: Movie
Lucid: No
Hours of sleep: 6
So... I vaguely remember last nights dream:
I was in some kind of movie... starring Jessica Alba and Queen Latifah.
(Basically this movie was a merge between Fantastic Four and Taxi.)
I was trying to save someone, and my sidekick was some figurine that kept transforming back and forth between the former mentioned.
And after figuring out this puzzle thingie, and fighting a robot... mission accomplished!
Lucid: No
Hours of sleep: 6
So... I vaguely remember last nights dream:
I was in some kind of movie... starring Jessica Alba and Queen Latifah.
(Basically this movie was a merge between Fantastic Four and Taxi.)
I was trying to save someone, and my sidekick was some figurine that kept transforming back and forth between the former mentioned.
And after figuring out this puzzle thingie, and fighting a robot... mission accomplished!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Lucid observation
Category: Ordinary
Lucid: Yes!
Hours of sleep: 8
For the first time turning lucid in a dream... I decided to do.... nothing!
I was in this big busy city square and people were scurrying around. Things were kind of weird and out of place. That's how I realized I was dreaming and entered the lucid state. And what did I do? I climbed up a ledge and sat down and just observed my dream world being created from my mind... just sitting there thinking: "I know I'm dreaming... I know I can do whatever I want now... my imagination is my limitation... but I'm just gonna sit here and do nothing!"
Usually I get over-excited and start to try flying or perform magic and only end up waking myself up against my will... to my surprise - when I relaxed... and just almost didn't care about turning lucid, the dream world became a whole lot clearer. I could hear my thoughts loud. I could hear people talking. Notice the blue sky.
I saw a skyscraper far away being built - a couple running a fruit stand - I looked at the unoriginal fountain gushing out water in the middle of the plaza - cars swooshing by - people hurrying around with their busy lives... "And this is all from my head..." I thought... "... interesting."
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Category: Nightmare
Lucid: No
Hours of sleep: 5
So I've never had those "hollywood nightmares" where you wake up half-way out of bed, eyes wide open, gasping for air and feeling fear in your gut... until the other night...
I was in a forest with some guy. Just hiking, enjoying nature, nothing special.
We left this camp site, and I had forgotten something there so I quickly had to dash back to the camp to get it. After retrieving it, I turned around, and this old lady jumped me, slammed me to the ground and pinned me down so I couldn't move. I tried kicking her in the head resulting in my legs getting pinned as well. So now I was lying completely unable to move with an old lady standing above me laughing hysterically.
In real life I suffer from confinement phobia. If someone holds me against my will, or I'm in an over-crowded space, I freak out! This is probably why I couldn't conquer this nightmare like I have with the others these last months. The fear in the nightmare was too overwhelming.
I shook, jerked, yelled and cried. Nothing helped. So I tried calming down, and to stop fighting it. This is when I realized that it was all just a dream. Surging with new hope I started yelling out: "I'm just dreaming! Wake up!! HELP! Wake up god damn you!" Taking a deep breath and tensing all my muscles I decided to go for one final hard yank........... YANK!!
The old lady looses her grip, my upper body flaps up from the ground, the trees in the forest turns blurry, and then it's all dark for a split second and then I'm sitting upright in my bed staring dead ahead at the wall of my bedroom, trying to catch my breath and trying to calm down. I'm awake.
The werewolf
Category: Action/nightmare
Lucid: No
Hours of sleep: 9
So me and two other guys were standing outside this complex.
Inside was our mission objective:
- Retrieving an ally
Around the complex there was this huge pink force field barrier that we couldn't get through, but after running around the entire thing we found a small crack in the barrier and managed to bash our way in.
On the inside we were greeted by a couple of dudes with heavy machine guns.
While my two comrades distracted them I got to run to rescue our buddy.
I got to a small corridor ending up in a tiny room with a window looking out to the courtyard.
There I saw some people releasing this huge werewolf with blonde fur who ran towards me and crashed through the window.
I had two choices; fight or run.
I decided to fight him... this is where I turned into some kind of human-tiger-hybrid and we both started jumping, kicking and slashing at each other, jumping off the walls and sliding on the floor.
A whistle sounded from afar and the werewolf stopped fighting and said that I should just leave, before he dipped his head and sobbed.
I asked if something was wrong.
He said he was being held captured, and wanted to escape. I told him I would help him escape... and then I woke up.
Another example about how if you don't feed your nightmare with more fear, but face it instead and try to send out positive signals like bravery or kindness the nightmare will abruptly end... of course the challenge is to realize you are dreaming, or be though enough to stand up to your fear even tho you are unaware that you are dreaming.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Your precious?
Category: Action
Lucid: Somewhat
Hours of sleep: 7
I "awoke" in my dream when someone called me and told me "the 'a''s Annabelle has been stolen." So I got up and started dashing out of my house until I got to a ship moored by a pier, and apparently this "Annabelle" was a giangt church bell that someone had stolen.
Some freakishly looking dude approached me then, and said: "That's a really nice ring you got there!"
I looked down and noticed I had a purple ring like the Akatsuki in the Japanese tv-show Naruto wears. (Like the one in the picture on this post.)
"GIVE IT TO ME!" the demon, that I now realized the freakish man was, said to me.
I refused and started running down a hill... and of course... like in every other dream when you try to run... I couldn't run fast at all. So I tried jumping, finding myself gliding down the hillside and this is where I half-way realized that in this world I could fly.
(So I consider myself half-lucid in this dream.)
So this is when I took off flying away from this crazy dude... I flew over mountains and lakes, and descended in a forest only to turn around and notice the guy was still on my tail.
"Give it! You have nowhere to go!"
I made a deal with him that I would come with him to his leaders to hand over the ring. He accepted the offer, and then I woke up.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
From pee to gays to rooftops!
Category: Bizarre
Lucid: No
Hours of sleep: 9
So yeah, this dream is waaaay too long to recollect and write down everything that happened, but basically it was a dream that went from morning to afternoon to evening.
It started out with me having an argument with my divorced parents early in the morning, and my sister throwing a tantrum over my dad's apparently new girlfriend. After the fighting was over I took a quick shower in the bathroom and peed in the shower even though the toilet was in the shower anyways. (An overshare? Too bad! :P)
Then we went shopping at Walgreens and I realized I was in Sioux Falls, South Dakota (not far from where I did a semester at SD State a couple of years back in real life) and I met my old roommate from college and we sat down by the check-out to make fun of a crazy cashier lady who said all sorts of funny stuff to her customers.
Then we went outside and I noticed topless boys wandering around in couples holding hands, and we were apparently in the gay district of Sioux Falls (even tho' I don't think it exists in real life --- to my knowledge at least) and all single guys were whistling at me as I walked by. (Thanks for the compliment! hehe)
I returned to the parking lot at Walgreens to regroup with my family, but I couldn't get to the other side of the store to the parking lot where they were waiting for me because the path around the store was blocked. So I started climbing over the store instead, only to notice seconds later that I was 15 floors above the ground experiencing a sudden shift in gravity finding myself suddenly hanging by two weak hands down to a certain death. Shimmying my way across the roof I got to a small plateau where there windows looking in on a rooftop restaurant. Desperate to get inside I kicked the glass and jumped in.
My "American mom" (host mom) was there waiting for me: "Oh there you are! Ready to go?"
And then I woke up.
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