Category: Ordinary
Hours of sleep: 7
Lucid: No
I was on a train - a train which insides looked like a house.
There was a living room, a bathroom, and a kitchen in it.
I walked into the kitchen because I was hungry - and I noticed a pancake frying in a pan, but no one else around - my dreamy self guessed that it was my dad making pancakes.
Then I woke up at my grandmother's house and walked out to her kitchen and my dad was making pancakes here as well, and he asked me if I had slept well, and I tell him about my "pancakes on a train" dream.
Then I wake up AGAIN - but this time in real life.
I give myself a little mental slap in the face for not noticing, first of all, that I was on a very weird train in the first dream, and second of all, that I managed to fool myself thinking I had awoken into real life when it was in fact a dream that I could have potentially gained lucidity in.
Oh well - next time!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The limitless dreamworld
Category: Ordinary
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: No
I was back in my old hometown - and my whole class and two of my teachers at my school were there, and they demanded that their students were in good shape - so - we were ordered to go for a run.
I started dashing hard down the street, amazingly fast, trying to outrun everyone else. And the longer I ran the more I was surprised that I didn't feel fatigue at all. I was still pumped with energy, my pulse remained steady and my breathing was the same as if I was lying down on my couch.
That's what's so great about the dream world - it's totally stripped of the laws of nature and the boundaries of the physical body that we are used to in the real world. And when you become lucid you know you can take complete advantage of this "defect" - you can be your own superhero... or even better... be your own god!
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: No
I was back in my old hometown - and my whole class and two of my teachers at my school were there, and they demanded that their students were in good shape - so - we were ordered to go for a run.
I started dashing hard down the street, amazingly fast, trying to outrun everyone else. And the longer I ran the more I was surprised that I didn't feel fatigue at all. I was still pumped with energy, my pulse remained steady and my breathing was the same as if I was lying down on my couch.
That's what's so great about the dream world - it's totally stripped of the laws of nature and the boundaries of the physical body that we are used to in the real world. And when you become lucid you know you can take complete advantage of this "defect" - you can be your own superhero... or even better... be your own god!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Feeling in the dream world - feeling in the real world
Category: Ordinary
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: No
I was at a wedding reception and I was dancing with some other people out on the dance floor.
The newlyweds walked up to me and said they wanted to give me something - they gave me a ring and a bracelet. They said that they had worn these on their first date a few years back - and they wanted me to have them - as good luck charms for finding my own future spouse. I was so touched by this I started crying... or more sobbing... and then I woke up with a bittersweet feeling - one of sadness because I had just been crying - but also a good one because they had been so nice to me.
It's an interesting thing to experience - when your emotions in the dream world is carried with you into real life just as you awake - only to slowly evaporate as the seconds in wake life pass.
This is just another example about how active your body and mind is even tho' your body and mind is "sleeping" in the real world. If you get pain, or somebody hits you, in your shoulder your nerve system will respond in the real life - as if the brain can't distinguish the difference between "dream feel" and "real feel", but of course it can... or else everyone would be sleepwalking and doing exactly what they were doing in their dreams...
- Let's say you are drowning. When you finally wake up from that nightmare - you will usually gasp for air the moment you wake up.
- Or you'll have a dream about having a killer on your heels and you will wake up with a slightly faster heart pace than you usually would.
- Or like when I have my lucid dreams - I sometimes get so excited - that I get over-filled with the famous "butterflies in my stomach"feeling so I wake myself up - still with the butterflies in my stomach.
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: No
I was at a wedding reception and I was dancing with some other people out on the dance floor.
The newlyweds walked up to me and said they wanted to give me something - they gave me a ring and a bracelet. They said that they had worn these on their first date a few years back - and they wanted me to have them - as good luck charms for finding my own future spouse. I was so touched by this I started crying... or more sobbing... and then I woke up with a bittersweet feeling - one of sadness because I had just been crying - but also a good one because they had been so nice to me.
It's an interesting thing to experience - when your emotions in the dream world is carried with you into real life just as you awake - only to slowly evaporate as the seconds in wake life pass.
This is just another example about how active your body and mind is even tho' your body and mind is "sleeping" in the real world. If you get pain, or somebody hits you, in your shoulder your nerve system will respond in the real life - as if the brain can't distinguish the difference between "dream feel" and "real feel", but of course it can... or else everyone would be sleepwalking and doing exactly what they were doing in their dreams...
- Let's say you are drowning. When you finally wake up from that nightmare - you will usually gasp for air the moment you wake up.
- Or you'll have a dream about having a killer on your heels and you will wake up with a slightly faster heart pace than you usually would.
- Or like when I have my lucid dreams - I sometimes get so excited - that I get over-filled with the famous "butterflies in my stomach"feeling so I wake myself up - still with the butterflies in my stomach.
The giant wolf
Category: Thriller
I was standing on the front lawn of a house. A girl was standing next to me and we were just talking. Suddenly her face turned white and she said we had to get into the house. She was staring at something behind me so I turned around.
Grabbing a huge plate of left-over food we threw it out through the door, closed it, and then ran through the house and out the back door.
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: No
Aabout a block away, a huge wolf was sitting on the sidewalk, just staring at us.
We started running towards the house - and so did the wolf - we got in just in time and the wolf started pacing impatiently in front of the door.
Grabbing a huge plate of left-over food we threw it out through the door, closed it, and then ran through the house and out the back door.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Teleporting and defying gravity (LUCID dream!)
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: YES!
I was standing on a city beach - and I guess something about this scene made me realize I was in a dream.
When you become lucid in the dream world, you have two choices:
1) Take complete control of your dream completely and change everything about it
2) Go where the dream takes you, but knowing you have the ability to control it when needed/wanted.
So this time I decided to go with number 2 - just tag along with my imagination.
So I was standing on this beach - overlooking a Manhattanish city. I locked my eyes on the rooftop of a skyscraper far far away. I decided to try something I never had before. Usually I would just try to fly to the top of the building - today was a time to try something new.
I closed my eyes and imagined myself on top of the building - when I opened them again I was standing on the rooftop looking down at the beach far far away. I had teleported.
There was this crazy rich dude who apparently owned this rooftop or something and he was yelling at me to get the hell off his roof. He had some friends with him who were awkwardly by-standing this whole situation.
With a grin on my face I walked over to the ledge off the roof and said:
"Ok. I'll get off."
I made a giant leap for it and jumped off the rooftop, turned around in mid-air, and froze in the air, lingering for a moment in silence to feel the experience of being weightless.
I gave him the finger and all of his friends started laughing - then I closed my eyes, tilted my head back and let myself fall down the side of the building until I crash-landed in a pool at street level.
Here, my school peers where throwing a party for me, and they asked me to tell the story about the girl who stole something from me.
Not knowing what they were talking about, I decided to use this situation to test my retorical skills in a dream. So I made up a story as I went along about how a girl stole my vagina and that's why I was a boy today. They laughed, we toasted and then I woke up.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Dream reruns!
Category: Supernatural
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: No
Yet again I had a dream like this one:
When I was a kid they used to say: "If you dream the same dream twice - it will happen in real life!"
So I guess I'll just keep on stretching!
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: No
Yet again I had a dream like this one:
When I was a kid they used to say: "If you dream the same dream twice - it will happen in real life!"
So I guess I'll just keep on stretching!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Where did my halo go?
Category: Action
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: No
Lately I've been having lots of dream about fighting against people... physically! And I've always been the goody-two-shoes kid, and I have never hit anyone in my life.
Last night I ran into the maid from Will and Grace, Rosario, and we started taking swings at each other. At one point she kicked me in the stomach and broke a couple of ribs - I replied by kicking her in the chest so she flew backwards. Enraged she ran towards me. I grabbed her wrist and broke it right off her arm. She started crying and ran away. Poor Rosie!
In another dream, the same night, I was on a huge cruise ship that was being invaded by NAVY Seal-looking guys armed with machine guns. I was armed with nothing but my hands - and in pure Matrix style I beat the crap out of the entire force.
Where is all this aggression coming from?
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: No
Lately I've been having lots of dream about fighting against people... physically! And I've always been the goody-two-shoes kid, and I have never hit anyone in my life.
Last night I ran into the maid from Will and Grace, Rosario, and we started taking swings at each other. At one point she kicked me in the stomach and broke a couple of ribs - I replied by kicking her in the chest so she flew backwards. Enraged she ran towards me. I grabbed her wrist and broke it right off her arm. She started crying and ran away. Poor Rosie!
Where is all this aggression coming from?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Altering physics (LUCID dream!)
Category: Superpowers
Hours of sleep: 6
Lucid: YES!

I was in the house where I grew up. Something made me suspicious about the whole thing being real life - primarily because the house I grew up in is not in family possession anymore.
A TV was on nearby and I did a dream check - I looked at the picture on the screen - turned away - and when I looked back it was completely different - I did this again - and the picture had changed totally. (The images had no connection to each other at all.)
In the amazement of realizing I was dreaming I started dashing out to the 2nd floor balcony of the house, grabbed the railing on the balcony and flipped myself over so I was hanging on the top of the railing, and pressing off with my feet on the lower part... at this moment I made gravity shift... it was like the world flipped over from a vertical angle to a horizontal one and I lost connection with my feet to the railing and my lower body came down so I was just haning on to the railing with my hands - below me was only clear blue sky - I let go - and as I was falling gravity shifted back to normal and I landed on the lawn.
At this moment I started dashing at a super-high speed - and my amazement of being lucid did something to the lighting of the dream world - you know how dreams often are a bit dark and blurry?
But now, being in a lucid state, it was like someone turned on the lights and everything got brighter, and I could see clear colours, the texture of the grass, the birds in the sky - the feeling is so hard to describe - this was my world - my world created in my mind - with my rules - and I could do whatever I wanted to. It made me super excited! Like lucid dreams usually does!
I just kept on running and jumping at super speed and super height until the excitement woke me up at 4:30 in the morning in my boring dark bedroom in my real, not so boring, life.
Hours of sleep: 6
Lucid: YES!
I was in the house where I grew up. Something made me suspicious about the whole thing being real life - primarily because the house I grew up in is not in family possession anymore.
A TV was on nearby and I did a dream check - I looked at the picture on the screen - turned away - and when I looked back it was completely different - I did this again - and the picture had changed totally. (The images had no connection to each other at all.)
In the amazement of realizing I was dreaming I started dashing out to the 2nd floor balcony of the house, grabbed the railing on the balcony and flipped myself over so I was hanging on the top of the railing, and pressing off with my feet on the lower part... at this moment I made gravity shift... it was like the world flipped over from a vertical angle to a horizontal one and I lost connection with my feet to the railing and my lower body came down so I was just haning on to the railing with my hands - below me was only clear blue sky - I let go - and as I was falling gravity shifted back to normal and I landed on the lawn.
At this moment I started dashing at a super-high speed - and my amazement of being lucid did something to the lighting of the dream world - you know how dreams often are a bit dark and blurry?
But now, being in a lucid state, it was like someone turned on the lights and everything got brighter, and I could see clear colours, the texture of the grass, the birds in the sky - the feeling is so hard to describe - this was my world - my world created in my mind - with my rules - and I could do whatever I wanted to. It made me super excited! Like lucid dreams usually does!
I just kept on running and jumping at super speed and super height until the excitement woke me up at 4:30 in the morning in my boring dark bedroom in my real, not so boring, life.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Jack Frost ITH!
Category: Bizarre
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: No
I was in a house with some friends, when all of a sudden bullets started crashing through the window and we all had to take cover on the floor. Through the window came a bunch of snowmen with rifles in their hands - ready to kill!
An instinct in me told me to fight these snowmen off - so I started "kung fu'ing" with one of the snowmen and I managed to grab the rifle from him and started firing off at all of the intruders. As I hit them in the head they exploded into yellow water - maybe it was urine - it was gross either way.
A little girl came in and told us that the source of the evil snowmen was located in her backyard - so we all went there to try and shut the whole thing down - but when we got there the dream went in another direction that I can't make out clearly - something about cuddling with a bulldog, and having an argument with someone about something - it's a bit fussy!
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: No
I was in a house with some friends, when all of a sudden bullets started crashing through the window and we all had to take cover on the floor. Through the window came a bunch of snowmen with rifles in their hands - ready to kill!
An instinct in me told me to fight these snowmen off - so I started "kung fu'ing" with one of the snowmen and I managed to grab the rifle from him and started firing off at all of the intruders. As I hit them in the head they exploded into yellow water - maybe it was urine - it was gross either way.
A little girl came in and told us that the source of the evil snowmen was located in her backyard - so we all went there to try and shut the whole thing down - but when we got there the dream went in another direction that I can't make out clearly - something about cuddling with a bulldog, and having an argument with someone about something - it's a bit fussy!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Dawn of the naked
Category: Bizarre
Hours of sleep: 5
Lucid: No
Me and a friend entered a dark gloomy house. In the room next door there was a spiral staircase leading down to the basement. I went down first, and she followed me, I stopped at the bottom of the staircase and peered out into the basement. I said I didn't want to go further - she sighed and pushed me aside and started walking into the dark hallway.
A shimmer of light appeared at the end of the hallway - and I gasped at what I saw:
A parade of chubby naked men were running towards us, and scared to death I started dashing up the staircase again, with my friend in my heels - the staircase seem to go on and on and we never got to the top - eventually, in the realization of what we were running from, we both started laughing while climbing the stairscase - then I woke up at 3 A.M. in the morning.
Hours of sleep: 5
Lucid: No
Me and a friend entered a dark gloomy house. In the room next door there was a spiral staircase leading down to the basement. I went down first, and she followed me, I stopped at the bottom of the staircase and peered out into the basement. I said I didn't want to go further - she sighed and pushed me aside and started walking into the dark hallway.
A shimmer of light appeared at the end of the hallway - and I gasped at what I saw:
A parade of chubby naked men were running towards us, and scared to death I started dashing up the staircase again, with my friend in my heels - the staircase seem to go on and on and we never got to the top - eventually, in the realization of what we were running from, we both started laughing while climbing the stairscase - then I woke up at 3 A.M. in the morning.
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