Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: YES!
I was standing on a city beach - and I guess something about this scene made me realize I was in a dream.
When you become lucid in the dream world, you have two choices:
1) Take complete control of your dream completely and change everything about it
2) Go where the dream takes you, but knowing you have the ability to control it when needed/wanted.
So this time I decided to go with number 2 - just tag along with my imagination.
So I was standing on this beach - overlooking a Manhattanish city. I locked my eyes on the rooftop of a skyscraper far far away. I decided to try something I never had before. Usually I would just try to fly to the top of the building - today was a time to try something new.
I closed my eyes and imagined myself on top of the building - when I opened them again I was standing on the rooftop looking down at the beach far far away. I had teleported.
There was this crazy rich dude who apparently owned this rooftop or something and he was yelling at me to get the hell off his roof. He had some friends with him who were awkwardly by-standing this whole situation.
With a grin on my face I walked over to the ledge off the roof and said:
"Ok. I'll get off."
I made a giant leap for it and jumped off the rooftop, turned around in mid-air, and froze in the air, lingering for a moment in silence to feel the experience of being weightless.
I gave him the finger and all of his friends started laughing - then I closed my eyes, tilted my head back and let myself fall down the side of the building until I crash-landed in a pool at street level.
Here, my school peers where throwing a party for me, and they asked me to tell the story about the girl who stole something from me.
Not knowing what they were talking about, I decided to use this situation to test my retorical skills in a dream. So I made up a story as I went along about how a girl stole my vagina and that's why I was a boy today. They laughed, we toasted and then I woke up.
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