Hours of sleep: 8
The setting was a water theme park. I was standing in line on top of a giant water slide, with a tiny rubber raft in my hands. The raft had room for 6 people, so me and a bunch of strangers jumped in when it was our turn. I was in front.
The raft started sliding down, first a tiny drop in the slide... then I saw it: a giant, almost vertical, long drop was coming up ahead. I braced myself on the slide, getting ready for the drop. I wasn't scared, I was more pumped with adrenaline and getting ready for the gut-clenching emotional rush you get when taking different theme park rides.
(On a side note: this dream was based on a personal memory from a family vacation to Cyprus, where we visited a water theme park, WaterWorld Waterpark, and took the exact ride, Drop To Atlantis, that is described and illustrated above.)
The raft went down the big drop, and my belly started to tingle and of course I had to let out a little scream - but midway in the drop I realized that I was strangely lacking the hard-core emotions I usually feel when taking rides like this. BAM - lucidity hits me. "This is a dream."
Who knew that much speed could come out of just paddling your hands.
The dream world can be a fun place!
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