Category: Experimental
Lucid: Yes
I was in a gym working out. Suddenly all the machines and weights started to disappear one by one as the room turned more and more white. I was hit with lucidity - "This is a dream!".
Now the room was completely bare and white only with a few windows here and there, but there was no exit in sight. I decided I would smash my way through a window and fall down to the pavement below.

As I hit the window it started to bend and melt like rubber until it completely surrounded my body and I was stuck (horizontally) in the wall. Usually I would panic from being constrained like this, but I kept my calm - knowing it was all a dream and a product of my own doing. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I felt the pressure from the rubberized wall loosen until I eventually was standing on my own two feet in a hospital hallway. A new lucid dream had begun.
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