Category: Bizarre
Lucid: No
I did a little experiment before I went to bed the other day.
I tried mashing together all available relaxation options I had at home.
- I lighted some candles, one of them scented
- I put my nail mat on my bed and lied down on my back
- I put my feet up on two huge pillows at the end of my bed
- I put on my headphones and turned on an app on my iPhone which sends binaural beats into your ears to affect your state of mind. (Read more here: )
The result?
I fell fast asleep... a really really deep one.
I started dreaming about meeting one of my teachers at school, and suddenly the whole dream world went pitch dark and I could only hear the voice of my teacher telling us we had to stick together to be able to get out of this darkness.
My legs felt weak and I had problems walking, my head felt like it had tripled in weight and I started having trouble breathing... while stumbling over a rocky landscape, gasping for air and feeling blind I suddenly woke up in my bed again.
I was still wearing my headphones, still lying on the nail mat and there was still a candle left that hadn't burned out. I took the headphones off, removed the nail mat, blew out the final candle, and went back to bed.
I returned to the same dream almost - still having the physical sensations that I had earlier.
It started to get harder and harder to breathe, until I eventually started choking and woke up in my bed again. My pillow was covered in drool and I was breathing heavily.
Apparently I had been relaxing to deep when falling asleep and it had paralyzed my entire physical system somehow.