Monday, October 25, 2010

The stunning view from a creative mind

Category: Visually breathtaking
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: No

I was standing on the river bank as my vision was coming to.
A bright red light nearly blinded my eyes and I had to cover them with my hands.
It was the sun coming up from across the field - the bright red light of dawn.

As my eyes adjusted to the new light I noticed something even more incredible.
Instead of seeing the tiny moon, like we are used to, up in the sky - there was another huuuuge planet floating in the air, and it looked quite similar like earth, except it had a lot more oceans to it and more small patches of earth.  Since the planet was so close to Earth, I could see all the details - from mountain ranges, jungles, and deserts. The sight was so spectacular that I just had to stand there and smile in total awe.

The greatness of the planet, the level of details and the hot red sun that filled the setting with warm light made me realize how amazing your imagination can be in your dreams.

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