Friday, January 21, 2011

Pee worry

Category: Bizarre
Hours of sleep: 7
Lucid: Yes

I woke up in my bed (WPR - waking physical reality) and I felt the need to go pee, but I was too tired to even bother getting up - so I fell asleep again.

In the dream that followed I instantly became lucid ("I am dreaming") because the urge to go to the bathroom had followed me into my dream world and was now haunting my dream emotions.

I walked over to a sink in the dream and started to "relieve my pressure" and while doing this I started to worry: "So I had to pee when I woke up in my bed early? Now in the dream world I am peeing in a sink. Could there be a risk that I am wetting my own bed as we speak? Or maybe I've been doing some sleep walking and I'm standing in my own bathroom peeing in the sink in synchronization with this dream? I have to wake up!"

I focused all my thoughts on waking up - and when I did - I was relieved to see my bed was still dry and the feeling of having to pee was still there. Not wanting to repeat my mistake, I got up and went to the bathroom.

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