Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Anti-gravity parkour

Category: Superpower
Lucid: Yes

I was in a city somewhere and I jumped up on a trash bin to look around.
The easiness of the jump made me realize I was dreaming.

Thinking I'd do some kick ass parkouring I started dashing down the street. I started running along a wall and jumped off of it, reaching greater heights, landing with one foot on top of a lamppost before launching myself upwards once again. I started to do a flip in the air and noticed I entered some sort of slow-motion mode while air-borne... this allowed me to tweak my flip in several directions and I started spinning 1080 before landing on the ground again and continued dashing down the street.

Parkour with slow-motion mode and tweaked gravity? Awesome!

If you don't know what parkour is - here's a clip of a buddy of mine doing it:

Sunday, August 7, 2011

How do I know I'm dreaming?

I read an article about various tricks about how you can check if you are dreaming or not when you get to a  certain level of awareness in a dream, and I catched up a new one I haven't tried before, but it's a common one:

- You take the finger on one hand and drive to drive it through the palm of the other hand. If the finger goes through your palm - tada - you are dreaming.

You can make it a habit in your daily life to perform this test every time you come to a new room or go outside. Eventually it will become a habit and suddenly you'll do it in a dream, your finger will pass through your palm, and you'll realize - "This is a dream!" and you will be lucid!

The first dream I tried this I managed to "re-lucid" myself through 4 false awakenings. (False awakening: When you wake up in bed from a lucid dream, but it's actually a new dream, you have just lost your lucidity and you think you have woken up for the next day in your real life.) I did the finger-test right away and instantly became lucid again.

The only thing I had a slight problem with was that I imagined pain as my finger went through the palm - and it hurt like hell. But after doing this test a couple of more times I managed to control my mind enough to remember that pain in a dream is only an illusion - it's all in your head.

These are the other ways I check if I'm dreaming. Try them out:
- Read text on a poster or sign. Turn around and look back again. If the text changed - you're dreaming!
- Check your feet. If you find something odd about your feet, like missing toes - you're dreaming!
- Check the time. If the clock keeps showing random times everytime you look at it - you're dreaming!
- Check your hands. If you find something odd about your hands - you're dreaming!
- Look at a person, turn away, then back again. If the appearance changed - you're dreaming!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Environment manipulation: Changing the season in a dream

Category: Environment Manipulation / Experimental
Lucid: Yes
I was walking down a familiar street in Oslo, when I get a tiny feeling that I might be dreaming.
I check a poster that's hanging on a nearby wall. I read the text, then glance away for a second, then read the text again - and sure enough - it changes.  (In a dream world an object is never constant, it will always change when you turn your back to it.) I became lucid - "This is a dream!"

I had given myself an assignment in waking real life (WRL) to what I should do in my next lucid dream, but I couldn't remember it right away. So instead I started dashing down the street and flung myself forward and started to fly. As I ascended into the air I remembered my assignment. I wanted to manipulate the environment. I had done this before. 

Like in my previous dream, it was a cold dark winter evening. I thought to myself: "I want summer!"
Wishing for this to happen I snap my fingers.

Evening turns to pitch dark night and millions of stars appear above my head - I admire them for a while - until I snap my fingers again wishing for a warm summer day. 

The sun rushes to the sky, all the snow is gone, and all I see is green grass and trees among houses, churches and farms - a typical view of a Norwegian fjord. I fly around admiring everything before I decide to land at a beach volleyball court below me. Then I wake up.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The rubber wall

Category: Experimental
Lucid: Yes

I was in a gym working out. Suddenly all the machines and weights started to disappear one by one as the room turned more and more white. I was hit with lucidity - "This is a dream!".

Now the room was completely bare and white only with a few windows here and there, but there was no exit in sight. I decided I would smash my way through a window and fall down to the pavement below.

As I hit the window it started to bend and melt like rubber until it completely surrounded my body and I was stuck (horizontally) in the wall. Usually I would panic from being constrained like this, but I kept my calm - knowing it was all a dream and a product of my own doing. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I felt the pressure from the rubberized wall loosen until I eventually was standing on my own two feet in a hospital hallway. A new lucid dream had begun.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Making an ice armor

Category: Experimental
Lucid: Yes

I was in a bar and my whole family was gathered - even the ones who have passed away.
Ignoring them wanting to hug me I left the bar, 'cuz I had realized: "This is a dream - time to experiment!"

I got out on the street and pondered what my next move would be. I've done way too much flying in my lucid dreams lately so I decided to try something new - to cover myself in ice.

At the very moment I thought of this; cold mist started to come out of my mouth. I held out my hand, palm upwards, and focused on a spot right above it. The mist started to gather into a lump that turned into a small ice shard. Fascinated by what I had just conjured I proceeded with my original intent - with my will I made the ice shard attach to my hand and ice started spreading up my arm instantly. In a few seconds I was covered in a layer of ice from top to bottom.

But if I wanted this to be a real armor I had to make it thicker - as I was thinking that thought - I felt the ice armor growing thicker on my arm and a shock of cold started to shiver through my body. As the thickening ice reached my neck I abruptly woke up in my bed breathing heavily like if I had just jumped in a cold pool.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The tsunami

Category: Nightmare
Lucid: No

I was camping out on the mountain-side in the valley where I grew up. With me were friends and family.
I hear someone scream - and in the horizon I see huge waves coming towards the shore.

In fear I start running up the mountain-side and manage to get out some climbing gear from my backpack and start scaling the steep mountain-side. Half-way up I look down at my friends and my family and observe while the waves swallow them all whole and sucks them back into the ocean.

Hanging by a rope all by myself, in disbelief of what just happened, a mental wave of confusion, loneliness and helplessness washes over me... I'm all alone - and I couldn't do anything to help them.

Then I woke up...

This is the first time I can truly emotionally relate to what tsunami victims are going through - seeing your hometown, friends and family get washed away - and there's nothing you can do about it - and it all happens so fast... makes you feel quite lucky.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Dream meditation

Category: Spiritual
Lucid: No

Apparently we had an "alternative/New Age" class at our school about meditation and finding inner strength/energy/chakra.

A native American couple, covered in dust, was teaching my school mates how we could extract power from within.

The indian woman taught me how to revitalize myself through breathing.
I did as she instructed and eventually found myself completely paralyzed, but totally relaxed and comfortable with it - until she eventually waved a hand over my hand, called out my name, and told me to come back to the rest of the group.

In the beginning I couldn't move a single muscle, but the woman assured me that this would go away eventually and as long as I remained calm I would return safely from my deep spiritual place.

Then I woke up in my bed - filled with energy and ready for the day to come!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Category: Realization
Lucid: YES

I was in a busy gym with tons of people. For some reason I went outside and started walking down the street. I passed several people on the way, until I eventually became lucid. "This is a dream."

Then I noticed a silence form around me. I decided to walk back to the gym to see if the people were still there. Suddenly the road back to the gym was ten times longer than it was when I started walking. The streets were all empty now. When I got to the gym, I noticed that it was empty as well.

And then I had a realization - when I became lucid, my mind shut down and focused entirely on myself being in a lucid state in the dream world - like the part of my imagination that was creating all the hustle and bustle around me ceased to continue. It's like I narrowed my mind too much - like I was using too much of my mental RAM that it couldn't have any other supporting dream functions going, excepting for showing me the street I wanted to walk down, and the building I wanted to enter.

I feel like I've learned something from this:
Narrow-mindnedness might get you to your goal, but you might miss out on all the fun along the way.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The warp

Category: Nightmare/Experimental
Lucid: Yes

I've been having a lot of "being-chased-nightmares" lately without realizing I was dreaming. Then last night I finally got a lucid opening.

I was being chased on rooftops when I had a moment of clarity, realized the oddness of the event, and I became lucid ("This is a dream!). I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around.

A young girl with long black hair and a black dress stood and stared at me. A real "The Ring" moment. The sky was dark, and rain was pouring down.

I looked her straight into her eyes and said: "Look... you've been chasing me around way too many nights now and I'm getting pretty sick of it. I don't know what I've done to you, or what your problem is. Either way I'm sorry for everything, and I want all of this to end right now."

The creepy girl gave me a cold grin... then a small crack opened up on her chest and suddenly all the dark clouds, the heavy rain and the eerie sense of the place got sucked into her, leaving a blue sky and a warm sun behind. The monster-ish girl now had blonde hair and a nice little dress on.
She smiled at me warmly.
"Everything's okay now." she said...

When I woke up I sprung out of bed, filled with energy, and went for a morning workout at the gym before heading off to school. I got home late after a long hard day at school and I am still pumped with energy.
Who was this girl? What did she represent? What bad thoughts in my head did she get rid off?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My first moon landing

Category: Experimental
Lucid: Yes

I "woke up" in our old camper far out in the country of the town I grew up in. I knew that when I went to sleep I was far away from this place, so I became lucid. "This is a dream!"
I ran out of the camper and out in the open, trying to figure out what I should do with this lucid dream.

Looking up into the sky I saw the moon. "Maybe I should try to fly to it?"
I've made several attempts to fly out in space ever since reading about it in Waggoner's book, but I always doubt my ability to do it and end up falling down just as fast as I get up in the air.

I filled myself with confidence and started dashing across a field and leaped up in the air. The momentum I got was incredible and I found myself soaring up in the sky at great speed. "This might actually work!" I said to myself... which I shouldn't have. My slight doubt in the sentence with the word "might" killed the momentum and I started floating back down to the ground. I tried one more time but only found myself dwindling down again.

I stared hard at the moon - determined to get to it. Instead the moon started to come towards me. When it got closer I saw that it was only a bad-pixel print out of the moon on a piece of paper. I grabbed the paper and looked at the picture. I remembered my earlier successful attempt at teleporting from one place to another, so I thought I would give that a go. I looked at the picture of the moon, imagined myself being there... then I snapped my fingers.

Instantly I felt weightless and noticed a grey sandy surface below me. I ran a hand over it and felt its ruggedness. I started to float backwards and when I lifted my head I saw earth floating around some leagues away. I was on the moon!

Utter silence ruled this place - I gave myself into the lack of gravity and let my head fall backwards as I stared at the bright stars all around me. I felt sleepy and closed my eyes. Then I woke up into a new dream.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The inner place

Category: Spiritual
Lucid: Yes

I was walking down a hallway when I realized I was dreaming. Some fairy-looking creature came through the wall and asked me to take its hand... so I did. A bright flash later I was back in an area from my childhood, and even though it was outside I still felt as if I was closed in a dome of some kind because there was no clouds or colors in the sky, just a grey hard surface.
Somewhere from within a voice told me this was my "inner spiritual place".
My little fairy guide was there and told me: "Go, explore!"... so I did.

I found numerous places that I felt had a deep connection with my consciousness and my physical being.

In one place - that I'll name the breathing chamber - there was a long hallway with pink smooth surfaces from top to bottom. The hallway contracted and expanded - like if it was alive. Suddenly I noticed the hallway was moving at the same pace as my breathing. Every time I took a deep breath the hallway would expand. When I realized this was some reflection of my lungs I had a slight panic attack and started to breath heavily, and thus the walls started contracting rapidly, getting tighter and tighter. Some green mucus started to pour out through the pink surface and I related to this as some left-over gunk from my pneumonia some weeks back. As the hallway got tighter and tighter I started to run towards the exit - trying to make it out before the hallway collapsed completely, and I just barely got out.

Now outside again I was bombarded with noise - voices, thoughts, sounds - total audio chaos. And my breathing was still heavy, getting close to hyperventilating. The noise was too much to handle. On the rooftops of houses around me there were chubby guys dressed in Iron Maiden t-shirts yelling and screaming. My body started to float until gravity shifted and I was standing on the "dome ceiling" where I could look "up" and have an overview of my childhood place. I figured I had to calm myself down in order for things to come to rest.

I started taking deep controlled breaths. The Iron Maiden guys stopped yelling and disappeared into their houses. I started to float back down to the street from my childhood. The sounds started to disappear.

My fairy guide appeared again with a white board that had a red dot on it.
"You need to clear your mind. Focus on the dot."

I started to stare at the dot and a crosshair appeared on the board and started to circle around the dot. The more I concentrated and relaxed the closer the crosshair got to the dot. I started thinking about all I had experienced so far and the crosshair started to bounce all over the place. "Focus!" I told myself.
"Clear your mind..."

The crosshair got closer and closer to the red dot. Suddenly everything went bright white. I thought of nothing - I heard nothing. My mind was experiencing total silence, total peace from all thoughts and emotions. The feeling lasted for maybe 5 seconds until a voice appeared in my head.
"Good job. Now you need to drink..."

Then I woke up in my bed. My body was completely numb, and my mouth was dried out.
I grabbed my water bottle, sipped down a huge clunk of it, grabbed my pen and started charting down what I had just experienced.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The lottery

This is a follow-up post from the previous one.

The lottery I was in has 34 numbers.

These are the numbers I got from my dream:
7 8 9 2#9
# = I started writing a number and then I scratched it out and wrote 9 instead. So then I decided to take a guess at the number 2, number 9 and 29.

These are the results from the drawing:
Extra numbers: 19-31-33

The lottery ticket
In other words - I only landed 1 out of 34 possible numbers. (Number 9)
That can hardly be presented as "impressive results."

Psychic dream? Fail!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Psychic dreams?

Category: Experiment
Lucid: Yes

I read about people having psychic dreams and how some have tried to guess the next week's lottery numbers through dreaming.

So I thought I would give it a go...

I made a plan that in my next lucid dream I would find next week's lottery numbers.
In a dream one of the following days I was lying in my bed looking at a blank piece of paper from my dream log notebook. I started writing down random numbers in a hurry... I ended up with four numbers, maybe five (depending on how I interpret the row of numbers). While looking at these numbers I became lucid ("This is a dream!") and thought to myself: "Is this some of next week's lottery numbers?"

The thrill woke me up instantly.

I've never had any signs that I might have psychic abilities, except for the occasional deja vu's that are pretty common for people to have. I haven't read about the scientific reasons for a deja vu, but in my own experience, especially since I started with this blog and becoming more aware of my dream world, a lot of my deja vu's feels like something I have dreamt before. So maybe deja vu's comes from (psychic) dreams?

So I went to the store and filled out a manual lottery ticket.
Ten rows - with seven numbers on each. Five of the numbers on each row consisting of the ones from my dream, and the other two numbers on each row just randomly selected.

This is the top part of my lottery ticket. The other half consist of my numbers.
I will reveal the numbers and the drawing results in my next post.
Seven correct numbers lands you the top prize. The drawing is tomorrow. We'll see how my experiment goes.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Word from my king

Category: Message
Lucid: No

The king of Norway, king Harald, appeared in front of me.
"When you wake up, remember to snooze your alarm clock three times!"
Then I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.

I did like I was told and snoozed the alarm for 10 minutes and fell back into sleep.
I did this three times, and in-between all the "snoozes" I had a new short vivid dream about meeting an old love from the past.

Thanks king Harald.
(This was actually my second dream about king Harald.)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Nightmare up in smoke

Category: Nightmare
Lucid: Yes

I was in a pitch black room. I could hear voices and someone breathing down my neck. Desperately I fumbled around in the dark, looking for a door handle as my fear elevated with every second.

I recognized the touch of the room as the locker room at my school, so I managed to calm myself down and reason to where the door handle might be. Eventually I found it, yanked the door open, welcoming the bright light from the hallway outside, and started dashing down the hallway away from my pursuers.

This light seemed to give me a moment of clarity to realize I was dreaming. So I became lucid.

I stopped dead in my tracks and did a one-eighty. I noticed two monsters scrambling towards me. I started to sing a tune consisting only of the words "la la la". They stopped and tilted their heads to the side, like a dog discovering something unknown. I kept on singing while skipping towards them.

When I came face to face to them I smiled and said 'Hello'.
They evaporated into smoke, and I was alone in the bright hallway.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pee worry

Category: Bizarre
Hours of sleep: 7
Lucid: Yes

I woke up in my bed (WPR - waking physical reality) and I felt the need to go pee, but I was too tired to even bother getting up - so I fell asleep again.

In the dream that followed I instantly became lucid ("I am dreaming") because the urge to go to the bathroom had followed me into my dream world and was now haunting my dream emotions.

I walked over to a sink in the dream and started to "relieve my pressure" and while doing this I started to worry: "So I had to pee when I woke up in my bed early? Now in the dream world I am peeing in a sink. Could there be a risk that I am wetting my own bed as we speak? Or maybe I've been doing some sleep walking and I'm standing in my own bathroom peeing in the sink in synchronization with this dream? I have to wake up!"

I focused all my thoughts on waking up - and when I did - I was relieved to see my bed was still dry and the feeling of having to pee was still there. Not wanting to repeat my mistake, I got up and went to the bathroom.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Reach for the sky

4:19 AM - Time of dream recording
Category: Superpowers
Hours of sleep: 5
Lucid: Yes

I was in a camper, and somehow I found this odd and became lucid. "I am dreaming!"

Not remembering any of the special projects I wanted to try out the next time I had a lucid dream I just ran out in the streets (in the dream) and started skipping around while humming a tune of my own.

Then I remembered reading about Robert Waggoner's attempt to fly as high as possible in his dream, like if he was trying to visit a god in "heaven".

So I gave it a go - to see how far up I was able to fly. Usually I just fly across lakes, and over rooftops - never straight up. I saw a bright light behind some clouds, which I figured was the sun, and started flying towards it while spinning around to gain a deeper lucidity. The flight started off pretty well, but suddenly the updrift stopped and I was caught mid-air before dropping down again. Like a jetpack that ran out of fuel. This probably happened because I was doubting my own abilities for this to be a successful attempt.

Luckily I landed on a roof. There I decided to fly up to the higher rooftops one by one until I got to the top one and give another attempt at flying up and through the clouds, but once I landed on one roof there was always a taller building somewhere else. So I went to rooftop to rooftop until my dream eventually collapsed without warning.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Testing the spinning technique

Category: Experiment
Hours of sleep: 1.5
Lucid: Yes

I was sitting down on a couch having coffee with unknown people. The couch was sitting right outside the walls of the church my parents got married in. I found this fairly odd - so I become lucid. "This is a dream!"

It had been a while since my lucid dream and I had just got done reading Waggoner's book about lucid dreaming so I had a million things I wanted to try out.

The first thing that came to mind was trying to make my lucid dream more stable by spinning around (a technique first mentioned by Dr. Stephen LaBerge to prevent a lucid dream from collapsing).
So I started to spin. The scenery started to get all blurry, like it does if you spin really fast in waking physical reality, and I started to fear that I might actually be waking myself up doing this. So I stopped spinning, but the spinning blur didn't stop at first, it just kept on going to the left like if someone was smearing out the paint on a canvas. A blur came in from the opposite side and the two blurs collided, making a huge sonic-sci-fi-white-noise that is impossible to describe further as a lightning bolt flashed down in the middle and merged the two blurs together.

To my surprise I was still in the same dream, outside the church, with the same people. Only this time all details of the scenery was more vivid, and the dream characters sentences made a lot more sense - previously it was more gibberish.

Super-excited I yelled to the dream characters:
"Hey guys! I'm dreaming. This is a lucid dream!"
They just looked at me oddly.
"I can prove it!" So I started doing incredibly high jumps in front of them, and one of them, a woman yelled out:
"Oh wow! It's true! *turning to her male partner* Honey it's true! Now all your problems are fixed."
Her male partner looks at me with evil jealous eyes... probably pissed off because I impressed his girlfriend.

My own excitement of being this lucid and jumping around like an idiot blinds me to the fact that my dream is collapsing - and bam - I'm awake in bed.

Hopefully I'll be more calm next time - and now - while I'm awake, I'll make a better plan of what to do next time.