Friday, January 28, 2011

Psychic dreams?

Category: Experiment
Lucid: Yes

I read about people having psychic dreams and how some have tried to guess the next week's lottery numbers through dreaming.

So I thought I would give it a go...

I made a plan that in my next lucid dream I would find next week's lottery numbers.
In a dream one of the following days I was lying in my bed looking at a blank piece of paper from my dream log notebook. I started writing down random numbers in a hurry... I ended up with four numbers, maybe five (depending on how I interpret the row of numbers). While looking at these numbers I became lucid ("This is a dream!") and thought to myself: "Is this some of next week's lottery numbers?"

The thrill woke me up instantly.

I've never had any signs that I might have psychic abilities, except for the occasional deja vu's that are pretty common for people to have. I haven't read about the scientific reasons for a deja vu, but in my own experience, especially since I started with this blog and becoming more aware of my dream world, a lot of my deja vu's feels like something I have dreamt before. So maybe deja vu's comes from (psychic) dreams?

So I went to the store and filled out a manual lottery ticket.
Ten rows - with seven numbers on each. Five of the numbers on each row consisting of the ones from my dream, and the other two numbers on each row just randomly selected.

This is the top part of my lottery ticket. The other half consist of my numbers.
I will reveal the numbers and the drawing results in my next post.
Seven correct numbers lands you the top prize. The drawing is tomorrow. We'll see how my experiment goes.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Word from my king

Category: Message
Lucid: No

The king of Norway, king Harald, appeared in front of me.
"When you wake up, remember to snooze your alarm clock three times!"
Then I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.

I did like I was told and snoozed the alarm for 10 minutes and fell back into sleep.
I did this three times, and in-between all the "snoozes" I had a new short vivid dream about meeting an old love from the past.

Thanks king Harald.
(This was actually my second dream about king Harald.)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Nightmare up in smoke

Category: Nightmare
Lucid: Yes

I was in a pitch black room. I could hear voices and someone breathing down my neck. Desperately I fumbled around in the dark, looking for a door handle as my fear elevated with every second.

I recognized the touch of the room as the locker room at my school, so I managed to calm myself down and reason to where the door handle might be. Eventually I found it, yanked the door open, welcoming the bright light from the hallway outside, and started dashing down the hallway away from my pursuers.

This light seemed to give me a moment of clarity to realize I was dreaming. So I became lucid.

I stopped dead in my tracks and did a one-eighty. I noticed two monsters scrambling towards me. I started to sing a tune consisting only of the words "la la la". They stopped and tilted their heads to the side, like a dog discovering something unknown. I kept on singing while skipping towards them.

When I came face to face to them I smiled and said 'Hello'.
They evaporated into smoke, and I was alone in the bright hallway.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pee worry

Category: Bizarre
Hours of sleep: 7
Lucid: Yes

I woke up in my bed (WPR - waking physical reality) and I felt the need to go pee, but I was too tired to even bother getting up - so I fell asleep again.

In the dream that followed I instantly became lucid ("I am dreaming") because the urge to go to the bathroom had followed me into my dream world and was now haunting my dream emotions.

I walked over to a sink in the dream and started to "relieve my pressure" and while doing this I started to worry: "So I had to pee when I woke up in my bed early? Now in the dream world I am peeing in a sink. Could there be a risk that I am wetting my own bed as we speak? Or maybe I've been doing some sleep walking and I'm standing in my own bathroom peeing in the sink in synchronization with this dream? I have to wake up!"

I focused all my thoughts on waking up - and when I did - I was relieved to see my bed was still dry and the feeling of having to pee was still there. Not wanting to repeat my mistake, I got up and went to the bathroom.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Reach for the sky

4:19 AM - Time of dream recording
Category: Superpowers
Hours of sleep: 5
Lucid: Yes

I was in a camper, and somehow I found this odd and became lucid. "I am dreaming!"

Not remembering any of the special projects I wanted to try out the next time I had a lucid dream I just ran out in the streets (in the dream) and started skipping around while humming a tune of my own.

Then I remembered reading about Robert Waggoner's attempt to fly as high as possible in his dream, like if he was trying to visit a god in "heaven".

So I gave it a go - to see how far up I was able to fly. Usually I just fly across lakes, and over rooftops - never straight up. I saw a bright light behind some clouds, which I figured was the sun, and started flying towards it while spinning around to gain a deeper lucidity. The flight started off pretty well, but suddenly the updrift stopped and I was caught mid-air before dropping down again. Like a jetpack that ran out of fuel. This probably happened because I was doubting my own abilities for this to be a successful attempt.

Luckily I landed on a roof. There I decided to fly up to the higher rooftops one by one until I got to the top one and give another attempt at flying up and through the clouds, but once I landed on one roof there was always a taller building somewhere else. So I went to rooftop to rooftop until my dream eventually collapsed without warning.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Testing the spinning technique

Category: Experiment
Hours of sleep: 1.5
Lucid: Yes

I was sitting down on a couch having coffee with unknown people. The couch was sitting right outside the walls of the church my parents got married in. I found this fairly odd - so I become lucid. "This is a dream!"

It had been a while since my lucid dream and I had just got done reading Waggoner's book about lucid dreaming so I had a million things I wanted to try out.

The first thing that came to mind was trying to make my lucid dream more stable by spinning around (a technique first mentioned by Dr. Stephen LaBerge to prevent a lucid dream from collapsing).
So I started to spin. The scenery started to get all blurry, like it does if you spin really fast in waking physical reality, and I started to fear that I might actually be waking myself up doing this. So I stopped spinning, but the spinning blur didn't stop at first, it just kept on going to the left like if someone was smearing out the paint on a canvas. A blur came in from the opposite side and the two blurs collided, making a huge sonic-sci-fi-white-noise that is impossible to describe further as a lightning bolt flashed down in the middle and merged the two blurs together.

To my surprise I was still in the same dream, outside the church, with the same people. Only this time all details of the scenery was more vivid, and the dream characters sentences made a lot more sense - previously it was more gibberish.

Super-excited I yelled to the dream characters:
"Hey guys! I'm dreaming. This is a lucid dream!"
They just looked at me oddly.
"I can prove it!" So I started doing incredibly high jumps in front of them, and one of them, a woman yelled out:
"Oh wow! It's true! *turning to her male partner* Honey it's true! Now all your problems are fixed."
Her male partner looks at me with evil jealous eyes... probably pissed off because I impressed his girlfriend.

My own excitement of being this lucid and jumping around like an idiot blinds me to the fact that my dream is collapsing - and bam - I'm awake in bed.

Hopefully I'll be more calm next time - and now - while I'm awake, I'll make a better plan of what to do next time.