Sunday, August 10, 2008

Flying through a mall and crashing through the ceiling

Dream category: Flying
Emotion triggered: Adrenaline Rush
Lucid: Yes
Hours of sleep: 8

Forgot to blog yesterday, so I'm gonna tell you short about my dream the night before that.

I was screwing around in a mall until I realized that I was dreaming. Now that I was lucid in the dream I decided to see if I could force myself to fly and crash through the ceiling of the mall. And indeed I did. I took off, and flew straight towards the ceiling and smashed my way through it until I got to the other side. There was a bowling alley there... and then I woke up! says:
"Flying dreams are normally a good omen and if the flight is pleasant, with no worries and anxieties, you can look for happiness and plenty to follow."

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