Saturday, June 28, 2008

Adding new apartment mates

Dream category: Ordinary life situation
Emotion triggered: None in particular
Lucid: No
Hours of sleep: 5

So, a friend spent the night, so I didn't get to do my whole nightly "hypnosis" routine where I tell myself to remember my dream and make my body relax and stuff, and when I woke up we started talking right away so then most of what I dreamt went "bye bye" from my memory...

Here's a smaaall thing I remember: I remember living in this big apartment with several bedrooms with several people. And then someone moved out, so we had to find new ones. And new ones came to see the apartment and new ones moved in. Yup, sorry.. that's all I can remember. :)

So since I didn't have much to share, you can look at this video about lucid dreaming:

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