Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lucid observation

Category: Ordinary
Lucid: Yes!
Hours of sleep: 8

For the first time turning lucid in a dream... I decided to do.... nothing!

I was in this big busy city square and people were scurrying around. Things were kind of weird and out of place. That's how I realized I was dreaming and entered the lucid state. And what did I do? I climbed up a ledge and sat down and just observed my dream world being created from my mind... just sitting there thinking: "I know I'm dreaming... I know I can do whatever I want now... my imagination is my limitation... but I'm just gonna sit here and do nothing!"
Usually I get over-excited and start to try flying or perform magic and only end up waking myself up against my will... to my surprise - when I relaxed... and just almost didn't care about turning lucid, the dream world became a whole lot clearer. I could hear my thoughts loud. I could hear people talking. Notice the blue sky.

I saw a skyscraper far away being built - a couple running a fruit stand - I looked at the unoriginal fountain gushing out water in the middle of the plaza - cars swooshing by - people hurrying around with their busy lives... "And this is all from my head..." I thought... "... interesting."

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