Sunday, November 28, 2010

Searching for deeper meanings

Category: Superpowers/self-research
Hours of sleep: 6
Lucid: Yes

I was running through gardens and leaping over fences in my mom's neighborhood.
With every leap I gained more altitude in the air. Eventually this nature-defying gravity loss made me realize I was dreaming.

Excited as usual I started flying around Superman-style, happy of being the master of my dream, but then I remember reading (in Waggoner's book) about characters in your dream and how you can ask them questions. Like what they represent in your dream.

I descended down to a group of people on the ground. When I landed I noticed it was my classmates from school. I went over to one of them, a guy, and asked: "Hey dude, what do you represent here?"

Expecting some amazing self-revealing, wake-up-callish, super-philosopical answer from the grand subconcious I eagerly listened to the response, determined to remember it so I could chart it down the second I woke up in bed. He casually turns his head to his right shoulder and says:
"I represent a porn site."

The answer was totally not what I had expected at all, and I couldn't do anything but burst out laughing, which set off my entire class around me giggling as well, and one by one they started revealing their grand "I represent"-secrets. One of the girls said: "I am the farter!" and then she started laughing hysterically. The other replies were somewhat similar, but I had stopped listening.

Shaking my head over the bizarre situation I was in - I woke up in bed.

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