Hours of sleep: 6
Lucid: YES!

I was in the house where I grew up. Something made me suspicious about the whole thing being real life - primarily because the house I grew up in is not in family possession anymore.
A TV was on nearby and I did a dream check - I looked at the picture on the screen - turned away - and when I looked back it was completely different - I did this again - and the picture had changed totally. (The images had no connection to each other at all.)
In the amazement of realizing I was dreaming I started dashing out to the 2nd floor balcony of the house, grabbed the railing on the balcony and flipped myself over so I was hanging on the top of the railing, and pressing off with my feet on the lower part... at this moment I made gravity shift... it was like the world flipped over from a vertical angle to a horizontal one and I lost connection with my feet to the railing and my lower body came down so I was just haning on to the railing with my hands - below me was only clear blue sky - I let go - and as I was falling gravity shifted back to normal and I landed on the lawn.
At this moment I started dashing at a super-high speed - and my amazement of being lucid did something to the lighting of the dream world - you know how dreams often are a bit dark and blurry?
But now, being in a lucid state, it was like someone turned on the lights and everything got brighter, and I could see clear colours, the texture of the grass, the birds in the sky - the feeling is so hard to describe - this was my world - my world created in my mind - with my rules - and I could do whatever I wanted to. It made me super excited! Like lucid dreams usually does!
I just kept on running and jumping at super speed and super height until the excitement woke me up at 4:30 in the morning in my boring dark bedroom in my real, not so boring, life.
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