Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dawn of the naked

Category: Bizarre
Hours of sleep: 5
Lucid: No

Me and a friend entered a dark gloomy house. In the room next door there was a spiral staircase leading down to the basement. I went down first, and she followed me, I stopped at the bottom of the staircase and peered out into the basement. I said I didn't want to go further - she sighed and pushed me aside and started walking into the dark hallway.

A shimmer of light appeared at the end of the hallway - and I gasped at what I saw:
A parade of chubby naked men were running towards us, and scared to death I started dashing up the staircase again, with my friend in my heels - the staircase seem to go on and on and we never got to the top - eventually, in the realization of what we were running from, we both started laughing while climbing the stairscase - then I woke up at 3 A.M. in the morning.

1 comment:

MythsDreamsSymbols said...

If you used Jungian dream psych to interpret this dream you could learn so much about yourself that is hidden {basement}. Good chance you are repressing something important {never getting to the top}. Perhaps a need to utilize your anima is what is required, letting down self defences to realize truths about yourself.