Friday, September 24, 2010

Feeling in the dream world - feeling in the real world

Category: Ordinary
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: No

I was at a wedding reception and I was dancing with some other people out on the dance floor.
The newlyweds walked up to me and said they wanted to give me something - they gave me a ring and a bracelet. They said that they had worn these on their first date a few years back - and they wanted me to have them - as good luck charms for finding my own future spouse. I was so touched by this I started crying... or more sobbing... and then I woke up with a bittersweet feeling - one of sadness because I had just been crying - but also a good one because they had been so nice to me.

It's an interesting thing to experience - when your emotions in the dream world is carried with you into real life just as you awake - only to slowly evaporate as the seconds in wake life pass.

This is just another example about how active your body and mind is even tho' your body and mind is "sleeping" in the real world. If you get pain, or somebody hits you, in your shoulder your nerve system will respond in the real life - as if the brain can't distinguish the difference between "dream feel" and "real feel", but of course it can... or else everyone would be sleepwalking and doing exactly what they were doing in their dreams...

- Let's say you are drowning. When you finally wake up from that nightmare - you will usually gasp for air the moment you wake up.

- Or you'll have a dream about having a killer on your heels and you will wake up with a slightly faster heart pace than you usually would.

- Or like when I have my lucid dreams - I sometimes get so excited - that I get over-filled with the famous "butterflies in my stomach"feeling so I wake myself up - still with the butterflies in my stomach.

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