Saturday, December 25, 2010

Healing hands?

Category: Spiritual / Experimental
Hours of sleep: 9
Lucid: Yes

I was running down a road to catch a bus. Something struck me as odd and I became lucid.
"This is a dream."

Just to make sure, I started running faster and tried to do a jump - and sure enough - I leaped several feet in the air, lingered for a bit in mid-air, before floating down again. Wondering what to do with this lucid moment - I remembered reading, in Waggoner's book, about people who had used their lucid dream to provoke self-healing.

I have been struggling with pneumonia for a couple of weeks and still coughing like an old man on his death bed. Remembering what I had read, I tried to put "healing thoughts" into my hands. Waggoner reported that many people experience white light in their hands when they go into "healing-mode".
Greatly expecting my hands to burst into white light, I was pretty disappointed when nothing happened, but as I looked closer at my hands I noticed that they were sparkling - like small patches of glitter here and there on my fingers and my palms.
With my new-founded "sparkling healing hands" I started to rub my chest, my throat and my head always thinking about how I am healing myself... then I got interrupted by a woman asking what I was doing.
"Trying to get rid of my pneumonia!"
"Oh... I see... well... good luck with that..."
Then she lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and blew smoke in my face.

Then I woke up.
I guess time will show if I managed to speed up my healing process.

I suppose the scientific way to look at this "healing process" is that you trigger your mind to send more "healing process" to the area of your body that is damaged. Kind of like when you cut your finger, and it starts to throb immediately and blood starts rushing to the area for protection and to start the regeneration process.

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