Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fail to impress

Category: Superpowers
Hours of sleep: 8
Lucid: Yes

I was standing outside a mall waiting for some friends. When the third one arrives, she's on a motorcycle and almost ends up wrecking the whole thing by almost crashing into some parked cars. Then she jumps off and acts like nothing is wrong. This makes me kind of suspicious, and I start to question the whole setting. "Where am I? Why are they here?" And I become lucid.

Excited I run over to my three friends: "Hey guys! Guess what? This is a dream! And I can prove it to you! I'm gonna run vertically up that wall all the way to the roof."
My friends don't say anything, they just smile back at me.

I run towards the mall determined to run up its wall, but realize there is a small wall, like a fence, in front of the main wall, and I start to question if I'll be able to run upwards on the small wall, shift gravity, then jump "downwards" to the other wall behind/underneath it, and then run up to the top.
I have shifted gravity in the dream world before, but it was not my intent when I did it then, it just happened.

So since I filled myself with doubt, that I should have learned not to do in this previous dream, I only ended up running halfway up the small wall, then doing a back flip off of it, and landing in a hunched position on the ground again. My friends start laughing at my attempt then they walk in to the mall.


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