Saturday, July 18, 2009

My future psychiatrist will be pleased!

Dream category: Family
Emotion triggered: Nostalgia
Lucid: No
Hours of sleep: 7

Last night I dreamt I was celebrating Christmas at my grandmother's house, and my dad, my sister and my stepfamily was there. Nothing out of the ordinary occured, except everyone was wearing Halloween costumes for some reason. My dad had his head painted green.

One thing that was interesting tho' was meeting one of my grandmother's deceased poodles, and my own deceased dog, a Schipperke, in the dream. They were running around, and when I came into the room they both came running towards me and wanted me to pet them.

I read somewhere that some psychiatrists teach lucid dreaming to their patiens who struggle with "undone business" with deaceased relatives and friends. The goal is that the patient can go to sleep, recognize he's dreaming - or in other words - enter lucid state, go towards a door, imagine that their dead mother is behind the door, open it up, greet their mother, and then try to wrap up whatever regret or grudge they've been carrying on their shoulders.

So even tho' I didn't meet any dead relatives, just previous family pets, I think my future psychiatrist will be pleased. :) says: "... the dream of a father is a dream symbol of authority which this parent has held over you, it could also represent power, or strength, or discipline. A dream of dogs is usually a fairly good omen. A dog barking happily shows that you will have a pleasing social life. A friendly, happy dog shows that you have lots of good friends."

And as a bonus to you for reading this post all the way to the end, I can tell you I also met my summer crush in this dream, and it made me very "happy" if you know what I mean! haha :)

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