Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The act of vanishing

Category: Magical
Lucid: No
Hours of sleep: 12

Last night I dreamt I was working at a day care center, and two of my friends came and had a magic show where they kept vanishing on one spot, and appearing on another. Oblivious to the fact that I was dreaming, I got all excited and asked if they could teach me how it worked... unfortunately the dream was over before they did. "If you see people or things disappearing before your very eyes, this is a dream that is pointing up your insecurities and concern about the important people, conditions, situations, or people that might disappear from your life. This an anxiety dream and shows that you need to work on you self image through building your self worth."

Well, actually, these two individual friends in my dream are two people I've been feeling some "disconnection" to lately. Maybe I should do some relationship patching?

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